
I’m an experienced journalist/author/writer with a special interest in food and wellbeing. I’m as interested in great food as I am in all-round health and that’s what makes me different to the eat-clean health brigade and the gourmet food lovers. I’m somewhere in-between. I hope to share that inbetweeness here on Sunshine Foodie in an attempt to inspire foodies who love food too much to introduce a little healthiness without sacrificing pleasure or the joy of taste. Yes, I think it’s possible.

As a journalist my full time jobs have included lifestyle editor of an award-winning magazine, and deputy editor of a diet magazine. Over three decades I’ve interviewed celebrity chefs, health gurus, and leading psychologists; I championed yoga before Madonna made it mainstream and was dancing tango before Strictly Come Dancing reappeared; I’ve sneaked out of health farms and spas for coffee and chocolate, and I’ve enjoyed global gourmet delights  from the Yemen to the Maldives; I’ve had my mind, body, spirit (and eating habits) endlessly analysed, and tasted-tested different health regimes.

You can contact me on sunshinefoodie AT  gmail DOT com

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